October 2023

Commencement Ceremony Held

Hilliard Adopt-a-House and Habitat Mid-Ohio recently held a Commencement Ceremony for their newly announced homeowner. While they had been working on the house for several months, the homeowner decision provided a great way to celebrate! The photo above shows the future homeowner Helen (holding her daughter) as well as staff from Habitat and volunteers, with some our own St Brendan parishioners. These ministries continue to seek volunteers for Wednesdays and Saturdays for the next few months. To help out, contact Bonnie Boeshart Roberts at 614-582-4126 or stbrendanhabitat@gmail.com

Hilliard Adopt-A-House

332 Hosack Street – Home Completed

In the fall of 2021 Hilliard Adopt-A-House submitted an application to Habitat for Humanity-MidOhio to solely sponsor a faith partnership build of a new home. In December 2021 we were tentatively assigned a 4-bedroom “Rachel” house at 332 Hosack Street. That assignment was confirmed in February 2022. We began work on site mid-May.

The home was dedicated on Saturday, January 21, 2023

Bonnie can be reached at stbrendanhabitat@gmail.com.