Policy / Procedures / Marketing

Ministry & Parish Organization leaders should be familiar with how to operate in conjunction with our parish office staff in setting up events on our parish calendar and reserving rooms on our parish campus.


The calendar in which all meetings and events are scheduled on the St. Brendan Campus for Liturgical, Faith Formation, School, and the St. Brendan Parish Ministries. Room reservations are scheduled based on a first come, first-serve basis, provided that any additional requirements and/or fees have been fulfilled. If there should be a conflict between 2 or more groups for a specific space on a certain date, the groups’ priority is listed below:

  • Church: Liturgical and Parish events
  • Faith Formation: Religious Education, Sacramental Preparation, and Special Events
  • School: School Events (i.e. Musicals, Parent/Teacher Conferences, etc.) School Programs (i.e. Math Club, etc.), Open House etc.
  • Ministries: All other Parish Ministries
    a. All requirements/fees (if applicable) must be satisfied before reservations are approved for scheduling.


To schedule a room on campus, use must use the online Room Reservation Request Form located at the bottom of the any page on the church website at www.stbrendans.net. The reservation request will be submitted to the administrative office for approval. For Parish-wide events (which includes attendance from the entire Parish), please first present your idea to the Director of Missionary Discipleship for planning and support for your event.

  • Resources – Any items required for an event should be requested at the time the room reservation request form is submitted. (i.e. microphones, PIN Code for pantry, AV Equipment, podium, etc.)
  • Door Schedule – The door schedule you prefer for your event should be requested on the Room Reservation Request Form. The door schedule is based on the set-up time + the event time + the clean-up time.  Someone in charge of the event must be on-site when the door schedule is in effect so that the space is not left unlocked and unattended.  Specific door access can be requested on the room reservation request form but must meet the approval of the administrative office, Teresa Boyne, who ensures the appropriate doors are used for each event.
  • Badge Access – An accessible badge may be issued to a Leader or Auxiliary Leader of a Ministry/Organization depending on the nature of the event. Badges are issued by the Teresa Boyne, of the Administrative Office.  A request for an accessible badge must be submitted with the room reservation request form, no less than 5 days prior to the event
  • PIN Code – a unique number assigned to the Leader of a Ministry/Organization or an Event for the use of dry goods and or AV equipment in the Davidson Rd. Meeting Hall.
      • Liturgical PIN – assigned for parish special events.
      • Ministry PIN – For those ministries who have paid the consumable fees, the ministry will be issued a annual PIN Code at the time the group’s calendar events have been approved for the calendar.
      • Single Use PIN – a one off meeting or special event requested by a ministry.
  • Room Set-Up Request (if applicable) – a custom room set up can be requested when submitting a room reservation request by a Ministry/Organization. If a custom setup is not requested the room will be set up in the default setting.  See manual in room for default room setting details.
  • Room Cancellation – If an event needs to be cancelled from the Parish calendar, the following policies are now in effect:
    • If an event must be canceled during the week (Monday through Friday), the Parish Office must be notified by no later than 11 AM, the same day of the event.
    • If an event must be canceled for a weekend (Saturday & Sunday) event, the Parish Office must be notified no later than Friday at 11 AM.
  • If an event is cancelled and the Parish Office has not been notified, there may be a fee charged to the Ministry/Organization for overtime incurred by the Parish if a Parish Staff Member is scheduled to work for that specific event, outside his/her normal work hours.

The Parish Office and school administrative staff are jointly responsible for the safety and access management for the St Brendan Parish campus.

Keys and Electronic Access

  • For the purpose of these guidelines, the term “access devices” refers to keys, electronic fobs, badges, pin codes, etc.
  • All access devices are the sole property of St Brendan the Navigator Parish.
  • Access devices for the entire St Brendan campus are distributed, tracked, and maintained at the Parish Office.
  • The Parish Office will be open for access management tasks Monday through Thursday from 9AM-4PM (closed 12-1 for lunch) and on Friday from 9AM-Noon.
  • Both permanent and temporary authorization for an access device is granted by the following individuals: Pastor, Parochial Vicar, Business Manager, School Principal, Administrative Services Coordinator
  • The distribution of access devices is based upon required access privileges.
  • All distributed access devices must be returned at the expiration of the service term, completion of project/event, or end of employment.

School Faculty and Staff – Issuance of Access Devices and Equipment
St Brendan School faculty and staff are issued access devices, laptops, etc. for the duration of the school year. At the end of each school year, all school employees not scheduled during the summer recess must return their access devices and all assigned equipment (computer, laptop, etc.) to the Parish Office.Access devices and equipment are reissued at the beginning of each school year.

Loaning Access Devices
Any person issued an access device may not loan or transfer the assigned device to another party.

Lost Access Devices
Loss of assigned access devices by employees and parishioners exposes St Brendan parish to considerable financial and security risks.  Therefore, those individuals given access devices must exercise great care to ensure that the issued devices are in their control at all times.

  • All lost or stolen access devices must be reported to the Parish Office within 24 hours (614.876.1272 ext. 222 or via email parish@stbrendans.net. Based on the factors involved, the Business Manager will make a decision whether or not to replace the access device or have the lock rekeyed or replaced.  Costs incurred by replacement may be charged to the individual or to the individual’s department or organization.
  • If an individual or group loses an access device more than one time, there will be a fine levied (up to a maximum of $200) against the individual or organization.  If an employee loses the access device the fine will be payroll deduction.  By signing this document, you are giving permission to withhold, as a payroll deduction, any fine charged for any lost access devices.

School Entry and Exit
All parties (except for designated individuals) entering the school during office hours (Monday through Friday 7:30AM-4PM) must enter through the main school entrance and immediately proceed to the school office for clearance by means of a driver’s license/ID scanning procedure.  Parties who have completed the Safe Environment Program requirement and who have a photo badge must still complete the scan.  The driver’s license/ID scan provides school administration with an immediate response as to whether or not the entering party is a registered sex offender. This procedure provides an additional layer of security for our students.

  • The School Secretary or designee has the responsibility for screening and granting access to school building entrants.
  • If the results of the driver’s license/ID scan disqualify a person from school entry, the individual will be discreetly notified and school administration will take appropriate action to protect this confidential information.
  • If the entering party is given clearance, a temporary badge/sticker is provided and entry to the school granted.
  • The temporary badge must be visibly worn on outer clothing and collected by the School Secretary or designee at the end of the visit.
  • If a party does not present a driver’s license/ID, entry to the school will be denied.
  • All those leaving the school during office hours must stop by the School Office before exiting.

School Access for Visitors and Guests

If a faculty/staff member is expecting a visitor, it is appreciated if the School Secretary is notified.  All school visitors will be required to complete the driver’s license/ID scan prior to entry beyond the school office.  On occasion, a faculty or staff member may be asked to escort the visitor beyond the school office area.

Parish Access Management
Designated Parish Office staff members will have the responsibility to:

  • Establish and maintain keying and security systems for the purpose of safety and reasonable access.
  • Maintain centralized access device control records with the Business Manager granting final approval for access device issuance.
  • Procure and issue access devices.
  • Securely store all unassigned access devices.
  • Activate and deactivate access devices as required.
  • Manage the electronic access systems for the campus.

If an access request is approved, the access device must be obtained in person from the Parish Office.  Children will not be permitted to accept access devices on behalf of their parents. It is understood that loaned access devices MUST be returned to the Parish Office by the specified date and to facilitate the return the device may be placed in the secure mailbox at the Parish Office entrance.  The device should be placed in an envelope noting the name of the person or organization returning the access device.  It is also understood that access devices will not be duplicated, loaned or made available to others.

General Rules Related to Access
The holder of an access device (whether temporary or permanent) for any parish area assumes responsibility for the safekeeping of the device and its use.

  • Individuals with access privileges may not utilize parish spaces for personal activities.  All usage must be for parish or school sanctioned events/meetings.
  • The school entrance for Kids Zone (before and after school childcare program) is only for parents dropping off or picking up their children.  It is not to be used as an entry point for people attending meetings or events in the school.
  • School doors, with the exception of the playground doors, are used for emergency exits and alarmed at all times.
  • Exterior doors may not be propped open for any reason which may allow unauthorized access.
  • Ministry/event leaders should take measures to prevent piggybacking entries
  • It is essential that all doors are securely locked after departure.

In the school, it is essential that parish faculty and staff members should ask individuals without an issued badge, either temporary or permanent, to accompany them to the School Office for clearance.  If there is any resistance or behavior of a threatening or suspicious nature encountered, the School Principal, Business Manager, or designee will immediately be contacted and a 911 call generated. Violation of any of the requirements in these guidelines may result in suitable corrective action, up to and including loss of access privileges, civil and criminal prosecution and termination of employment (if the party is an employee).

The Pastor or Business Manager reserves the right to request the return of an access device at any time.

In an ongoing effort to protect children, St Brendan Parish has a Code of Conduct for all parishioners and volunteers.  Our expectation is that all those who come in contact with children and youths follow this Code of Conduct. All adult volunteers who will be working around children must fill out a Code of Conduct form and return it to the parish office.

Access the Volunteer Code of Conduct Form HERE

If you have any questions, please contact the parish office. Thank you.

Code of Conduct for St Brendan Parish

  • Volunteers work collaboratively with the Pastor and/or other supervisors/associates in ministry.
  • Volunteers faithfully represent and practice the teachings of the Catholic Church with integrity in word and action.
  • Volunteers are competent and receive education and training commensurate with their role(s) and responsibilities.
  • Volunteers respect the diversity of spiritualities in the faith community and will not teach or promote their own personal form of spirituality.
  • Volunteers recognize the dignity of each person and refrain from behaviors or words that are disrespectful of anyone or any group.
  • Volunteers serve all people without regard to gender, creed, national origin, age, marital status, socio-economic status, or political beliefs.
  • Volunteers act to ensure all persons have access to the resources, services and opportunities they require with particular regard for persons with special needs or disabilities.
  • Volunteers are accountable to the Pastor or other duly appointed representative.
  • Volunteers are called to serve the faith community, carrying out their ministry conscientiously, zealously, and diligently.
  • Volunteers exercise responsible stewardship of resources while holding themselves to the highest standards of integrity regarding fiscal matters placed in their trust.
  • Volunteers respect confidentiality.
  • Volunteers support parents’ rights and roles while ministering to the needs/concerns of minors.
  • Volunteers adhere to civil and ecclesial law, policy and procedure concerning the reporting of neglect, suspected abuse or when physical harm could come to the person or to a third party.
  • Each volunteer must immediately report any suspected case of child abuse and/or neglect to Fr Sean Dooley, Pastor, at 614.876.1272 ext 223.  In the State of Ohio, reports of child abuse/neglect are also made to the Department of Job and Family Services/Public Children Services…614.229.7000.  In addition, the incident must also be reported to Diocesan Victims’ Assistance Coordinator, Laura J. Lewis at 1.866.448.0217 or helpisavailable@columbuscatholic.org.
  • Volunteers are aware they have considerable personal power because of their ministerial position.  Therefore, they will sustain respectful ministerial relationships, avoiding manipulation and other abuses of power.  Physical, sexual, or romantic relationships between an adult volunteer and a minor are unethical and are prohibited.
  • Volunteers model healthy and positive behaviors with minors.  Procuring, providing, or using alcohol and/or controlled substances for or with minors is unethical and is prohibited.
  • Volunteers are aware of the signs of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse and neglect.
  • Volunteers are aware of their limitations with respect to paraprofessional counseling and make appropriate referrals.
  • Volunteers are aware of and comply with all applicable parish, organizational and/or diocesan policies with special attention to sexual misconduct, safety, transportation, parental permission, and medical emergency policies.                                                                                                                    

Please retain a copy of this Code of Conduct for periodic review.  Thank you!

A fundamental goal of the Catholic Church is to prevent occurrences of sexual abuse of children. Therefore, the Safe Environment Program offers detailed policies and procedures designed to protect children while they are in the care, custody, or control of any person working on behalf of the Church. So, if you volunteer with children or youth at St. Brendan Church and School, you must fulfill these requirements:

  • Attend a Protecting God’s Children class.
  • Complete a background check with electronic fingerprinting
  • Obtain a volunteer badge, which must be worn while volunteering.
  • Fill out and return to the parish office a Code of Conduct form: Volunteer Code of Conduct Form

Details on the volunteer process are outlined below. For questions email or call Teresa Boyne.  614.876.1272 EXT 221  |  TBOYNE@STBRENDANS.NET

Protecting God’s Children Class

Who is required to take the class?

  • All parish, school and diocesan employees, regardless of their level of contact with children.
  • All clergy and applicants to clerical formation who serve in the Diocese.
  • All volunteers in the school, a school program or ministry for children and youth, regardless of their level of contact with children.
  • Volunteers for other parish programs or ministries who have been delegated care, custody or control of children.

How do I register for the class?

All class registration is online at www.virtus.org.

Who needs Background Checked? (fingerprinting)

  • All paid diocesan, parish and school staff members, regardless of their level of contact with children.
  • All volunteers in the school, a school program or ministry for children and youth.
  • All volunteers who have been delegated care, custody, or control of children or youth.
  • Anyone returning after a significant gap (1-1/2 years) in volunteer service.

BCI&I Background Check is required if volunteer or applicant has lived in Ohio for the past 5 consecutive years. All requests for BCI&I civilian background checks must be submitted electronically through WebCheck. Locations are listed by county on the Ohio Attorney General’s website.

FBI Check is required if a volunteer or applicant has lived outside of Ohio at any time during the past 5 years. Before scheduling an appointment with your local law enforcement agency, make sure they have the capability to do FBI checks electronically.

Below are the codes our employees/volunteers should provide as the reason for fingerprinting:

All volunteers, parish and school, should use ORC 2151.86.
All parish employees should also use ORC 2151.86.
School employees (non-teaching) should use ORC 3319.39B1.
Teachers use code ORC 3319.39B3.

Safe Environment Program Update

The Diocesan Safe Environment Program is the central repository of ALL background checks, both state (BCI&I) and federal (FBI). Therefore, all background check reports must be sent directly to the Diocesan Safe Environment Program office. ALL background reports will come from the the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCI&I) directly to the Diocesan Safe Environment Program. We will no longer be legally permitted to accept reports, or copies of reports, from parishes, schools, agencies, or individuals. The Diocesan Safe Environment Program’s address is: Safe Environment Program, Diocese of Columbus, 197 E. Gay Street, Columbus OH 43215

*Effective January 3, 2024, the Diocese of Columbus will be working with SELECTiON.COM Fastrax® to improve the required Diocese background report process.

  • The first step of this process will require all new volunteers creating a VIRTUS account and registering for a Protecting God’s Children Class, to also register for SELECTiON.COM Fastrax® and pay for this on-line background report. (This is a one-time fee)
  • New volunteers will still have to complete an initial criminal background report through the BCI. Anyone who has volunteered in the past and has fingerprints on file at the Diocese, will need to sign up on Selection.com. Contact the Safe Environment Coordinator for more information. For detailed instructions visit

Using reports from both the BC and Selection.com will enable us to conduct more thorough background checks of current and prospective clergy, employees, and volunteers.

To download detailed instructions on this process, please click HERE

What is SELECTiON.COM Fastrax®?

  • SELECTiON.COM Fastrax®, will provide the Diocese of Columbus with quarterly updates on our clergy, employees, and volunteers. This process will alert the Diocese if a clergy member, employee, or volunteer is the subject of any criminal charges after the initial background report.
  • SELECTiON.COM Fastrax® will provide national and local search of court records from Courts of Common Plea, Municipal, and Mayor’s court.

The added database check will improve the safety and integrity of all Safe environment databases and processes, since some lower courts do not always report the results of trials to the Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI).

Those being newly entered into the Diocesan background check database will need to be handled in the following manner:

  • If a person has been fingerprinted within the last 30 days, that person can contact BCI&I and request a free copy of that report be sent to Diocesan Safe Environment Program.
  • If the most recent report was completed more than 30 days previously, but less than 12 months previously, the person may make a written request to BCI&I to have a copy sent to the Diocesan Safe Environment Program. There is a fee for this duplicate report.
  • If the most recent report for a new employee or volunteer is older than 12 months, the person will need a new background check. BCI&I does not provide copies of reports older than 12 months.

Questions on the processing of background reports? Contact Regina E. Quinn, Safe Environment Program, at rquinn@columbuscatholic.org or 614-241-2568.

Record Keeping

The Diocese receives and retains the background check results (both BCI&I and FBI) and Protecting God’s Children class attendance verification. This information is then made available to the individual parishes. Please note that criminal background reports are treated confidentially by both the Diocese and our parish. Individuals with no break in volunteer service and transferring between diocesan parishes can request that their information is transferred to St Brendan Parish.

Volunteer Badge

After St Brendan Parish receives verification that both the Protecting God’s Children class and the background check(s) have been successfully completed, the volunteer is then ready for a badge. Volunteers should contact the Parish Office (614.876.1272) to schedule a time for a photo badge. When you come in we will also ask you to complete a Volunteer Application and review the Code of Conduct. The volunteer badge should be worn when you are volunteering at parish and school events. Please note that we may need at least five business days to obtain your PGC class attendance verification and background screening results. So, if you are scheduled to volunteer for an event, school class, etc., please contact us at least five business days in advance.

Here you can find our brand guidelines and assets as well as request custom marketing solutions for your ministry, submit items for our weekly bulletin, Navigator News, social media or printed materials. By submitting a marketing request, this does not mean your event is scheduled. To schedule your event and reserve a room, fill out the Room Reservation Form at the bottom of this web page. Note: Even if your event is off campus, please contact the parish office to let us know so we can add your event to our bulletin calendar and parish online events listings. 

Marketing Requests

We now have one marketing request form to better suit your needs. Navigator News, Social Media and Bulletin submissions are given priority 2 weeks before the event/start date while other Marketing Services should be submitted 4-6 weeks before your event needing printed promotional materials including: banners, fliers, postcards, lobby posters or signage. Our Marketing and MultiMedia Coordinators along with the parish leadership team will make final determination of ALL promotional timelines based on resource availability. Bulletin requests should be submitted no later than 9 days before the Bulletin publication date, which is every Sunday. Please include any photos, graphics, or other images as separate attachments. For printed items, 300 dpi images are required, especially for large print items like lobby banners. Do not paste them into a word doc or other document.

To schedule a bulletin or marketing request fill out the form HERE

Brand Guidelines

Ministry Marketing Tips & Writer’s Guide

St Brendan Brand Guidelines 

Photography Guidelines

Stock Photos Guidelines


Contact Us

614.876.1272 | marketing@stbrendans.net

Lee Salcone (Marketing/Bulletin/Communication/Website)

Ben Romaker (Social Media/Video/Photography)

The purpose of our facilities is to celebrate the good news of Jesus Christ and to serve the needs of our Catholic community.  Our facilities are a sacred religious place.  At all times, we are to respect the principles of our faith in the manner in which we use our facilities.


In order to maintain the sacred nature of our facilities, they may never be used in a manner that contradicts the tenets and principles of the Roman Catholic Church.  These prohibited uses include, but are not limited to:

  • Events that celebrate actions and rituals that are contrary to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church,
  • Events that support behavior that is contrary to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church,
  • Events that promote conduct, products, and activities that are contrary to the tenets and principles of the Roman Catholic Church,
  • Conduct that is not in keeping with civil laws and regulations, and
  • Conduct that offends Roman Catholic Church teachings regarding the sanctity of human life.The primary purpose of this sacred religious place is for use by Roman Catholic Church entities and organizations.  However, in the spirit of service to our community and in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ, we will consider a limited pre-approved use of our facilities by entities and organizations that are not a part of the Roman Catholic Church.  These groups must agree that they will respect the sacred religious nature of our facilities and will abide by the guidelines set forth herein.St Brendan Parish rents parish facilities for social events that are connected to a sacramental celebration (i.e., baptism, confirmation, or rehearsal dinners and wedding celebrations) and this is only when the sacrament is held at St Brendan Parish.  Other private events will typically not be scheduled for our facilities.All groups scheduling use of our space (example: Red Cross) will be required to sign this Agreement each time they book with us.  The group representative, not the parish contact, will be required to sign the Agreement.All requests for space rental or use for non-parish/school and non-Diocesan events will be reviewed and approved by our Pastor, Fr Sean Dooley, Business Manager, Tom Kollar (tkollar@stbrendans.net), or their designee.

St Brendan Parish Regulations for Facility Use

  1. Scheduling of all activities shall be approved by the Pastor or Business Manager.
  2. The serving of food or beverages by Facility Use Applicant shall be approved, in advance, by the Pastor, Business Manager or their designee.
  3. At the conclusion of each activity, Facility Use Applicant shall be responsible for returning the facility to its original condition.  This shall include, but not be limited to, rearranging furniture, taking trash to the dumpster and vacuuming the carpet/floor.
  4. Absolutely no decorations or signs are to be attached or affixed in any way to any floors, walls, windows, doors, ceilings or chandeliers.  All plaques, pictures, icons, etc. affixed to the walls are permanent parts of the facility and at no time may be removed.
  5. Under no circumstances will church equipment or property be removed from the building.
  6. St Brendan the Navigator will provide a contact person to be available to Facility Use Applicant during all activities.  The contact is fully empowered to enforce these regulations.
  7. There will be no smoking inside the building or anywhere on the campus.  We are a Tobacco-free Campus.  Failure to adhere to this provision is grounds for immediate cancellation of this agreement.
  8. Facility Use Applicant shall pay to St Brendan a rental fee for the use of the facility space.
  9. Facility Use Applicant is responsible for any Liability or Property Damage that occurs as a result of their activity.  St Brendan the Navigator and/or the Diocese of Columbus will pursue legal action if warranted.  Facility Use Applicant must provide St Brendan with proof of liability and property damage insurance coverage with limits of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence.  A Certificate of Insurance naming St Brendan the Navigator and the Diocese of Columbus as Additional Insured must be submitted to the Pastor, Business Manager or their designee prior to the first scheduled activity.  Facility Use Applicant shall not change or cancel this insurance without prior, written notice to St Brendan the Navigator.  Should the policy be cancelled by Facility Use Applicant, St Brendan reserves the right to cancel this agreement immediately, without penalty.
  10. As an alternative to the requirements of Section 9, Facility Use Applicant may purchase Special Event Coverage insurance through Catholic Mutual.  If choosing this alternative, Facility Use Applicant must submit the application and appropriate payment for Special Event Coverage no less than 15 days in advance of their event.  Payment for this insurance is in addition to the fee charged in Section 8.
  11. If the event or program on St Brendan property entails any parents or guardians of minors (defined as younger than 18 years of age or 21 years or younger for persons who are developmentally disabled) giving over care, custody, or control of their children to others, all adults (defined as 18 years of age or older) working with those minors must have a background check acceptable to St Brendan performed and attend a Protecting God’s Children seminar prior to commencing any activity at the facility.  It is Facility Use Applicant’s responsibility to assure compliance with this requirement and appropriate filing of paperwork with St Brendan.  Facility Use Applicant agrees to reimburse St Brendan for costs associated with the background check and training.

Smoke Free Campus

Effective Earth day, April 22, 2016, St Brendan became a smoke-free campus.

Since that day smoking is prohibited, including the use of all tobacco products, and the use of electronic smoking devices (also known as electronic cigarettes or “e-cigarettes”) at St Brendan the Navigator parish. This includes all church and school buildings, anywhere on parish and school grounds, in parish-owned vehicles and in privately-owned vehicles parked on parish property.

The purpose of this policy is to provide a healthy environment that promotes the health, well-being, and safety of everyone.  Furthermore, it is also our intent to reduce any influence tobacco-use behavior may have on our students and young parishioners.

This policy applies to any individual on parish property, including, but not limited to, parishioners, staff, faculty, students, volunteers, visitors attending church events, contractors, subcontractors, and any members of the public, and is applicable twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week.

NOTE: Room reservations are for St Brendan Parish Ministries/Organizations.

St Brendan maintains a master calendar of all bookings for available campus meeting spaces. (See the Room Reservation Form below for all rooms we have available and room capacities.) The master calendar is maintained by the parish office staff with Dina Harder as the “keeper of the calendar” and all its content.  Therefore, all calendar scheduling should be directed to Dina Harder at dharder@stbrendans.net. The majority of the space scheduling takes place in the spring each year when parish departments and ministries are contacted to submit their date/location requests for the upcoming year (July 1 through June 30). Parish liturgical events, Evangelization and Catechesis (MEC) programming/events and the school are given priority in scheduling spaces.  After those two groups are scheduled, the parish ministry and organization requests are added to the master calendar It is important that space scheduling requests are submitted according to the requested timeline to expedite this process.  Also, each scheduled meeting or event must have the name of the responsible party and his/her contact number attached to the reservation. After the master calendar is updated each department/group is sent a list confirming their scheduled dates/times for the upcoming year.

Parish activities may not be scheduled on the parish campus on holidays observed by the parish staff because there is no staff support on site.

  • New Year’s Day
  • Good Friday
  • Monday after Easter
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Friday after Thanksgiving
  • Christmas
  • Christmas Eve or Day after Christmas

Parish activities may not be scheduled during Masses, liturgical events, and special events as noted below:

  • Weekend Masses
  • Solemnity of the Assumption
  • Solemnity of All Saints
  • Advent Night of Prayer
  • Advent Penance Service
  • Christmas Eve (day & evening)
  • Ash Wednesday
  • Parish Mission Week (days and evenings)
  • Lenten Penance Service
  • Palm Sunday Weekend (Bunny Hop until noon…no bookings from 12:30 PM thru Palm Sunday.)
  • Holy Week
  • Easter Weekend
  • Parish Festival Weekend
  • Special Parish Events (these may change each year)

Note:  There may be additional days around Christmas, Easter and the Parish Festival when parish activities may not be scheduled in the Multipurpose Room.

Select Times When Activities May Not be Scheduled

  • June – VBS/MEC programs are the only events scheduled while VBS is in session.
  • July – All school spaces are not available because of scheduled maintenance projects.
  • Elementary school-age children’s activities – must be scheduled to end by 9 PM.
  • CYO (high school)/adult athletic activities – must be scheduled to end by 10:30 PM.
  • Adult activities – must be scheduled to end by 10:30 PM.
  • When St Brendan School and/or parish campus is closed due to inclement weather ALL activities are cancelled for that day and evening…no access to any St Brendan space permitted.
  • When St Brendan School is closed for teacher in-service days, teacher grading days, teacher comp days, or school-only holidays, events scheduled in the school must end by 3:00 PM.
  • Private gym time may not be scheduled…gym will only be reserved/used by approved groups and not for individuals.

Additions/Modifications to the Calendar throughout the Year
There will be many occasions throughout the year when there is new programming and/or events that must be added to the calendar. It is imperative that the person responsible for the event notifies the Receptionist (preferably via email…Dina Harder at dharder@stbrendans.net) of the space request with the proposed date/time and name of the new event. If a previously scheduled ministry or organization event will have to be moved from its time/space to accommodate the new event, it is our goal to try and find alternative spaces so each group may be accommodated.

It is also important to notify Dina, (614) 876-1272, Ext. 235, as soon as possible if your group will not be using the space when scheduled so that the space can be free for other groups. Also, if you have booked two locations for an event/meeting but actually will only use one space, please notify the Receptionist as soon as you can so we can free up the space and the bulletin listing (when applicable) notes the correct location. And, again, email communications regarding space are always preferred!

Facilities Assistance with Scheduled Events
If your group has scheduled an event that requires tables, chairs, and other equipment or resources that are kept in a secured area, you must request assistance from the Facilities Management team.  The Facilities staff members will be able to access the secured areas prior to the event and assist with replacing the items after the event has ended. To schedule the use of a Facilities staff member, please email your request to Dina Harder at dharder@stbrendans.net or to Tom Kollar, Business Manager, at tkollar@stbrendans.net.

It is important to notify the Parish Office as soon as possible after scheduling an event so we can reserve the equipment and resources needed for an event.  Also, we will need a minimum of two (2) weeks’ notice prior to the event if we are going to schedule a Facilities staff member to be on site outside of normal business hours to assist during an event.