Order of Christian Initiation for Adults

Our OCIA Process

Each person’s journey of faith is unique.
But, what is universal for all of us is that, known or unknown, God has always been, and forever will be, present in each of our lives. (“At every time and in every place, God draws close to man” CCC 1)
God never tires of tugging at our heart and inviting us to begin, continue, or further deepen a relationship with Him. God is patient with us. He waits for us, and when we are ready, He walks with us through the process of allowing our minds, hearts, and lives to be transformed by Him.
Perhaps you find yourself here, finding out more about the Catholic faith, because you have felt this tug and want to respond to God’s invitation. We welcome you, wherever you are on your journey, and are deeply excited to become a part of that journey of faith; encouraging you, supporting you, praying with you, helping you to find answers, and pursuing Jesus alongside you.

This page will provide you with an overview of the OCIA process and information on how to begin.
If you have any questions, or simply want to talk with someone about your thoughts and experiences that have led you to think more about the Catholic faith, please contact Father Jacob Stinnett

OCIA stands for Order of Christian Initiation for Adults. It is the normative process by which adults enter the Catholic Church. The process focuses on Christian initiation through the reception of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist, ordinarily received in a single liturgy. The reception of the sacraments takes place after a period of inquiry, formation, and prayer.

Adults who have not been baptized into any religion (Catechumen)

Adults who have been baptized in another faith tradition and desire to be in full communion with the Catholic Church (Candidate)

Adults who were baptized Roman Catholic, but did not receive the sacraments of Confirmation or Eucharist

We meet weekly on Tuesdays throughout the year, 7-8:30 PM.  Our goal is to be open for you to join us at any time to start your journey. If schedule is a factor, contact us to discuss alternative paths.

We always begin with time for fellowship & community building, usually over snacks and coffee.

Week-to-week the presentation style may look different as we utilize videos, in-person presentations, primary source material, hands-on activities, panels, and small group discussion to break open the teachings of the Catholic Church.

A sponsor is a confirmed and practicing Catholic who walks with their Candidate or Catechumen throughout the OCIA process. The sponsor attends Tuesday sessions and is there to share what they are able to about their own faith journey.  They may offer counsel and support to the extent that it is needed or desired.  Your sponsor serves as a bridge for you to the larger St. Brendan community.  They are there to listen to you, help find answers to your questions, and to pray, with and for you.  Each relationship between a Sponsor and a Candidate or Catechumen is unique.

There is no cost!

We provide each Candidate and Catechumen with Catechisms & Bibles, as well as the resources for formation. We also have light refreshments for the meetings.

Getting Started

Information about the OCIA process may appear overwhelming but you won’t be figuring it out on your own! Our OCIA team and sponsors walk with you through every step of this incredible journey. They are blessed and honored to be a part of God’s call in your life.

Step one is to fill out the Inquirer form found below. This form will allow us to begin to get to know you and learn how we can best support you throughout the OCIA process.

Once we receive your form Fr Stinnett will reach out to you to go over the next steps.

If you are already Catholic but reading this because you know someone (family members, friends, neighbors or coworkers) who may be interested in becoming Catholic, extend an invitation to contact us. A personal invitation goes a long way! OR if you would like to be a sponsor for someone in the process, who you may or may not know, we extend this invitation to YOU! The rewards and blessings of being a sponsor are beyond naming.

Please contact Fr Stinnett to register now.

Inquirer Forms

Sponsor Forms

Contact Us

Fr Stinnett | 614.876.1272 ex 226 | frstinnett@stbrendans.net