
NOTE: Please read all information listed below before submitting a Baptism request. There are some guidelines noted that must be followed. 

About the Sacrament

Baptism is the gateway to all of the other Sacraments. Through Baptism, a person is made a member of the Body of Christ, incorporated into the Church and has all of his or her sins wiped away, including Original Sin inherited from Adam and Eve. The Sacrament also gives a multitude of other graces: the person becomes a dwelling place of God; a temple of the Holy Spirit and an adopted son or daughter of God the Father. Baptism is the beginning of a new life lived in God’s grace. We celebrate Baptism at the command of Jesus, who told the Apostles, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

These guidelines must be followed:

  • Baptisms are held on Sundays only at 12 PM.
  • Up to 6 children may be baptized per liturgy.
  • Baptism Prep Classes are offered the 1st Sunday of most months at 12-1 PM. 2 sessions must be completed by the parent(s).

IMPORTANT:  Families who are non-members and reside outside the parish boundaries can still be considered, especially if they have a strong family connection to the parish. They must first provide a letter from the Pastor of their local Catholic church confirming that they have permission to come to St Brendan to celebrate the baptism.


Infants and Children Under Age 7

Parents must attend a baptism preparation class. See below for more information on how to register.

Children Over Age 7

Children who are 7 years or older must receive all of the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist). For our purposes, this will be interpreted as children having completed first grade. Children in second grade and above are prepared a little differently so that the catechesis is more age appropriate. The Ministry of Evangelization and Catechesis will provide home faith materials to assist parents with this preparation and will ensure catechesis is complete before presenting him or her for the Sacraments of Initiation. For more information, please email us at

Adult Baptism

Adults receive Baptism through the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) process. For more information about RCIA, click here or contact Fr Stinnett.

Baptism Preparation Class

  • Baptism Prep Classes are offered the 1st Sunday of most months at 12-1 PM.
  • Our new Baptism Preparation Program is called CLAIM.
  • 2 sessions are required with some materials that need to be completed at home in between classes.
  • Registration is required. To register, contact the parish office by phone or email, or by using the Request for Baptism form. You must attend 2 classes before the date you have chosen for your child’s baptism.
  • At least one parent must attend the 2 classes if they have not attended a course in the last two years.


If you are having two godparents, there may be one male godparent and one female godparent, but not two godmothers or two godfathers. If you are having only one godparent you may have either gender.

It is very important when you are selecting godparents that you select individuals who are at least 16 years of age and ONE godparent must be:

  • Baptized
  • Confirmed Catholic
  • Currently active/attending Mass regularly
  • In good standing with the Catholic church (for at least the past 6 months)
  • If married, were married in the Catholic Church

The Pastor reserves the right to postpone the baptism if a family presents godparents who do not fulfill this criteria until such godparents are found.

A Christian witness may replace one of the godparents but he or she must be from a Christian community whose baptism we recognize. Therefore, we will ask you to provide the religious denomination of the non-Catholic godparent when completing the registration for the baptism. The Christian Witness must meet the same requirements as the Catholic Godparent who is at least 16 years old, baptized, and in good standing with their church. Please refer to our resources below for more information regarding non-Catholic baptisms that are approved by the Church.

Also, we recommend a minimum stipend of $35 for the priest or deacon baptizing your child. After the baptism, we generate the baptism certificate and it is mailed to the parents.

Online Baptism Form

To request a baptism, first read ALL of the information above & then fill out the form here: Baptism Request Form