Adult Faith Formation


Adult Faith Formation exists at St Brendan in order to help fulfill the parish vision to “become who you were created to be.” To help accomplish this our mission statement and our hope is that “St. Brendan Parish is your home to encounter Jesus and grow in virtue.”

The Adult Faith Formation program offers a variety of bible studies, book groups, talks, events, and men’s, women’s and family programming for those seeking, those striving, and those sharing their faith.

These opportunities to grow in knowledge of your Catholic faith are available year round. In addition to growing in knowledge of your Catholic faith, you will see how your community grows as you develop strong friendships, rooted in Christ, with the other participants!



Catholic Way Bible Study: The Gospel of Matthew

Matthew presents Jesus as the Royal “Messiah” – the “Anointed One”. He is the “shoot” of the line of King David long, awaited by the Jews and the fulfillment of the Old Covenant. He shows Jesus as the Man and the King who asks: “Who do you say that I am?” (16:15). Jesus of Nazareth is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. His words and actions show a power and authority greater than any before Him and lay the very foundations of His Church.

Come journey with us as we come to know Jesus in our hearts through the Gospel of Matthew in this 25 week study with video content and discussion.  Sessions are held on Mondays from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM, beginning September 9 in Wellnitz Hall, breaking for Thanksgiving and Christmas and ending on March 31. All materials are provided. Questions? Contact Patsy Bunnell at

Please register HERE

The Wisdom Books

Throughout the Wisdom Tradition of the Old Testament, King Solomon stands as the great representative of wisdom. The four books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, and Wisdom all stand as part of the Solomonic cycle, describing the progress of the one growing in wisdom over the course of his life and his journey with the Lord. Please join us  as Father Jacob Stinnett leads a tour through these four books, growing with King Solomon in wisdom and seeking insights that lead us to Jesus Christ. The 8 sessions are Wednesday nights at 7:15 in Davidson Room A, beginning September 18 (no sessions October 2 & 16).

Please register for this study HERE

Check out the Men’s and Women’s Ministry pages for other studies!

Men’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry