test form

Room Reservation Request Form for St Brendan Ministries/Organizations
Recurring or One-Time Event?
(Monthly, Weekly, etc.)
Daily Frequency
Weekly Frequency
Weekly Frequency (Day or Days)
Check as many days as you would like to request per week.
Date of the Month Frequency
Day of the Month Frequency
Day of the Month Frequency (Day)
Note the maximum capacity requirements listed when choosing your room below. Room capacity must be strictly adhered to by the Ministry/Organization reserving the space.
Attendance can be taken through ParishStaq.
Event Start Time
Event End Time
Location(s) Being Requested
Room capacity must be strictly adhered to by the Ministry/Organization reserving the space. NOTE: Please choose only those rooms that are needed for your event, meeting, etc. If the rooms you choose are not available, other rooms will be assigned if availability exists among the other spaces. (Do not choose more/extra rooms in case the one you want is not available.)
Cell number preferred
How many Facility Staff Members are needed to be on site for this event? Simply type "none" if staff is not needed to be on site for the event.
What setup, if any, do you want the Facility Staff to do to prepare for the event? (simply type "none" if you have no set-up needs)
Resources: A/V Equipment
Please indicate below any resources you may need for your meeting or event. Check all that apply.
Resources: General
Please indicate below any resources you may need for your meeting or event. Check all that apply.
Resources: Warming Kitchen
Please indicate below any resources you may need for your meeting or event. Check all that apply.
DOOR SCHEDULE: The door schedule is determined by set-up time + event time + clean-up time.
What time to unlock doors at start of event?
Time Field
What time to lock doors at end of event?
(These are doors that will be scheduled to be unlocked/locked through the security system for the event. If no doors should be unlocked, please choose none.)