Become a Member

Welcome home!

Please complete the form link below and our staff will mail you a registration packet with information on how to join our parish family. This packet contains a registration form and general information that will be useful to you as a new member.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday. Please make yourselves known to our clergy and people who are looking forward to meeting you. God bless.

Request a Registration Packet

Click on the link below and fill out the form to receive information about our parish and details on how you can register to become a member of St Brendan the Navigator:
Request a St Brendan Parish Registration Packet

St Brendan uses ParishStaq to help parishioners to stay connected. Parishioners receive regular updates and important news from our pastor, the parish office team, and parish groups and ministries via ParishStaq email and a weekly e-newsletter named Navigator News.

Are you a registered parishioner? We ask that all parishioners, 18 or older, sign up for their own ParishStaq account. This is a huge help to us in keeping you informed and connected.

Are you visiting? New to the area?  You are welcome to sign up too! That way you can find out more about our parish community and ministries too.

To create a ParishStaq account, click on the link below and select “Request Account”. Then look for an email from St Brendan the Navigator in your inbox within the next 24 hours and follow the instructions. Sign Up Now